
LLM RAG bases Webapps With Mesop, Ollama, DSpy, HTMX

Revolutionize Your AI App Development with Mesop: Building Lightning-Fast, Adaptive Web UIsThe dynamic world of AI and machine learning demands user-friendly interfaces. But crafting them can be a challenge. Enter Mesop, Google's innovative library, designed to streamline UI development for AI and LLM RAG applications. This guide takes you through Mesop's power-packed features, enabling you to build production-ready, multi-page web UIs that elevate your AI projects.Mesop empowers developers with Python-centric development – write your entire UI in Python without wrestling with JavaScript. Enjoy a fast build-edit-refresh loop with hot reload for a smooth development experience. Utilize a rich set of pre-built Angular Material components or create custom components tailored to your specific needs. When it's time to deploy, Mesop leverages standard HTTP technologies for quick and reliable application launches.

Fastrack Your AI App Development with Google Mesop: Building Lightning-Fast, Adaptive Web UIs

In the dynamic world of AI and machine learning, developing user-friendly and responsive interfaces can often be challenging. Mesop, Google’s innovative library, is here to change the game, making it easier for developers to create web UIs tailored to AI and LLM RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) applications. This guide will walk you through Mesop’s powerful features, helping you build production-ready, multi-page web UIs to elevate your AI projects.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Mesop
  2. Getting Started with Mesop
  3. Building Your First Mesop UI
  4. Advanced Mesop Techniques
  5. Integrating AI and LLM RAG with Mesop
  6. Optimizing Performance and Adaptivity
  7. Real-World Case Study: AI-Powered Research Assistant
  8. Conclusion and Future Prospects

1. Introduction to Mesop

Mesop is a Python-based UI framework that simplifies web UI development, making it an ideal choice for engineers working on AI and machine learning projects without extensive frontend experience. By leveraging Angular and Angular Material components, Mesop accelerates the process of building web demos and internal tools.

Key Features of Mesop:

  • Python-Centric Development: Build entire UIs in Python without needing to dive into JavaScript.
  • Hot Reload: Enjoy a fast build-edit-refresh loop for smooth development.
  • Comprehensive Component Library: Utilize a rich set of Angular Material components.
  • Customizability: Extend Mesop’s capabilities with custom components tailored to your use case.
  • Easy Deployment: Deploy using standard HTTP technologies for quick and reliable application launches.

2. Getting Started with Mesop

To begin your journey with Mesop, follow these steps:

  1. Install Mesop via pip:
    pip install mesop
  2. Create a new Python file for your project, e.g., app.py.
  3. Import Mesop in your file:
    import mesop as me

3. Building Your First Mesop UI

Let’s create a simple multi-page UI for an AI-powered note-taking app:

import mesop as me

def home():
    with me.box():
        me.text("Welcome to AI Notes", type="headline")
        me.button("Create New Note", on_click=navigate_to_create)

def create_note():
    with me.box():
        me.text("Create a New Note", type="headline")
        me.text_input("Note Title")
        me.text_area("Note Content")
        me.button("Save", on_click=save_note)

def navigate_to_create(e):

def save_note(e):
    # Implement note-saving logic here

if __name__ == "__main__":

This example illustrates how easily you can set up a multi-page app with Mesop. Using @me.page, you define different routes, while components like me.text and me.button bring the UI to life.

4. Advanced Mesop Techniques

As your app grows, you’ll want to use advanced Mesop features to manage complexity:

State Management

Mesop’s @me.stateclass makes state management straightforward:

class AppState:
    notes: list[str] = []
    current_note: str = ""

def home():
    state = me.state(AppState)
    with me.box():
        me.text(f"You have {len(state.notes)} notes")
        for note in state.notes:

Custom Components

Keep your code DRY by creating reusable components:

def note_card(title, content):
    with me.box(style=me.Style(padding=me.Padding.all(10))):
        me.text(title, type="subtitle")

5. Integrating AI and LLM RAG with Mesop

Now, let’s add some AI to enhance our note-taking app:

import openai

def enhance_note():
    state = me.state(AppState)
    with me.box():
        me.text("Enhance Your Note with AI", type="headline")
        me.text_area("Original Note", value=state.current_note)
        me.button("Generate Ideas", on_click=generate_ideas)

def generate_ideas(e):
    state = me.state(AppState)
    response = openai.Completion.create(
        prompt=f"Generate ideas based on this note: {state.current_note}",
    state.current_note += "\n\nAI-generated ideas:\n" + response.choices[0].text

This integration showcases how OpenAI’s GPT-3 can enrich user notes with AI-generated ideas.

6. Optimizing Performance and Adaptivity

Mesop excels at creating adaptive UIs that adjust seamlessly across devices:

def responsive_home():
    with me.box(style=me.Style(display="flex", flex_wrap="wrap")):
        with me.box(style=me.Style(flex="1 1 300px")):
            me.text("AI Notes", type="headline")
        with me.box(style=me.Style(flex="2 1 600px")):

def note_list():
    state = me.state(AppState)
    for note in state.notes:
        note_card(note.title, note.content)

This setup ensures that the layout adapts to different screen sizes, providing an optimal user experience.

7. Real-World Case Study: AI-Powered Research Assistant

Let’s build a more complex application: an AI-powered research assistant for gathering and analyzing information:

import mesop as me
import openai
from dataclasses import dataclass

class ResearchTopic:
    title: str
    summary: str
    sources: list[str]

class ResearchState:
    topics: list[ResearchTopic] = []
    current_topic: str = ""
    analysis_result: str = ""

def research_home():
    state = me.state(ResearchState)
    with me.box():
        me.text("AI Research Assistant", type="headline")
        me.text_input("Enter a research topic", on_change=update_current_topic)
        me.button("Start Research", on_click=conduct_research)

        if state.topics:
            me.text("Research Results", type="subtitle")
            for topic in state.topics:

def research_card(topic: ResearchTopic):
    with me.box(style=me.Style(padding=me.Padding.all(10), margin=me.Margin.bottom(10), border="1px solid gray")):
        me.text(topic.title, type="subtitle")
        me.button("Analyze", on_click=lambda e: analyze_topic(topic))

def update_current_topic(e):
    state = me.state(ResearchState)
    state.current_topic = e.value

def conduct_research(e):
    state = me.state(ResearchState)
    # Simulate AI research (replace with actual API calls)
    summary = f"Research summary for {state.current_topic}"
    sources = ["https://example.com/source1", "https://example.com/source2"]
    state.topics.append(ResearchTopic(state.current_topic, summary, sources))

def analyze_topic(topic: ResearchTopic):
    state = me.state(ResearchState)
    # Simulate AI analysis (replace with actual API calls)
    state.analysis_result = f"In-depth analysis of {topic.title}: ..."

def analysis_page():
    state = me.state(ResearchState)
    with me.box():
        me.text("Topic Analysis", type="headline")
        me.button("Back to Research", on_click=lambda e: me.navigate("/"))

if __name__ == "__main__":

This case study shows how to integrate AI capabilities into a responsive UI, allowing users to input research topics, receive AI-generated summaries, and conduct in-depth analyses.

8. Conclusion and Future Prospects

Mesop is revolutionizing how developers build UIs for AI and LLM RAG applications. By simplifying frontend development, it enables engineers to focus on crafting intelligent systems. As Mesop evolves, its feature set will continue to grow, offering even more streamlined solutions for AI-driven apps.

Whether you’re prototyping or launching a production-ready app, Mesop provides the tools you need to bring your vision to life. Start exploring Mesop today and elevate your AI applications to new heights!

By using Mesop, you’re crafting experiences that make complex AI interactions intuitive. The future of AI-driven web applications is bright—and Mesop is at the forefront. Happy coding!


  1. Mesop Documentation. (n.d.). Retrieved from Mesop Documentation.
  2. Google’s UI Library for AI Web Apps. (2023). Retrieved from Google’s UI Library for AI Web Apps.
  3. Rapid Development with Mesop. (2023). Retrieved from Rapid Development with Mesop.
  4. Mesop Community. (2023). Retrieved from Mesop Community.
  5. Mesop: Google’s UI Library for AI Web Apps: AI&U

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Hrijul Dey

Hrijul Dey

I am Hrijul Dey, a biotechnology graduate and passionate 3D Artist from Kolkata. I run Dey Light Media, AI&U, Livingcode.one, love photography, and explore AI technologies while constantly learning and innovating.

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